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Many local public health officials have told DPFT they believe they could better protect their communities from the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis through the implementation of syringe (or needle) exchange programs [SEPs or NEPs].  These programs are currently illegal in Texas. 

DPFT believes that the legislature should respect professional expertise and provide local officials the option of constructing programs free of political interference. 

Some seven major studies of SEPs in the last decade are unanimous in their findings.  U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. David Satcher of The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services summarized: 

"After reviewing all of the research to date, the senior scientists of the Department and I have unanimously agreed that there is conclusive scientific evidence that syringe exchange programs, as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention strategy, are an effective public health intervention that reduces the transmission of HIV and does not encourage the use of illegal drugs." 

The National Institute of Health [NIH] Consensus Panel said: 

" ... legislative restriction on [NEPs] must be lifted.  Such legislation constitutes a major barrier to realizing the potential of a powerful approach and exposes millions of people to unnecessary risk." 

Programs which bring addicts into contact with professional support provide a potential bridge to treatment.  Many existing SEPs have been a primary source of referrals to that treatment. 

Financially, the prevention of one case of AIDS can save in the area of $200,000.  Prevention of 100 cases, a conservative goal, would save some $20 million.  This would be a boon to the state's taxpayers and would prevent the diversion of medical resources, allowing a better level of general health care for the state. 

For more information see http://www.drugwarfacts.org/syringee.htm 

and for racial impact, see http://www.drugwarfacts.org/racehiv.htm

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